Saturday, January 21, 2012

Looking for Interns, Jr. Interns, and Volunteers

OLGSI is seeking volunteers prior to and during the program.

OLGSI is also looking for middle, high-school and college aged students (or interested individuals of any age) interns for the program: 1-4 week intern options available.

Email to request application or for more information.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

OLGSI 2012

Week One: June 25-29, 2012
Where we roam: Art and Food focused adventures in South Tabor Parks, and Gardens
Highlights include: walking field trip to neighborhood gardens/urban farms, Stories of PLACE exploration, Friday Hike up Mt. Tabor Day, all in addition to various art and garden projects throughout the week

No camp July 2-6, 2012

Week Two: July 9-13, 2012
Experiencing the Science of Nature: From Earth To Sky
Highlights include: naturalist journal construction and recording, examining the creatures of the soil, exploring rocks, minerals, stars and clouds, and creating multi-media art

Week Three: July 16-20, 2012
The Jr. Environmentalist: Exploring Plants and Animals
Highlights include: researching and learning about endangered species, creation of recycled art, special guests, and water play and conservation

Week Four: Natural Theatre Arts: July 23-27, 2012
A Playful Look at Humans and Our Environment
Highlights include: creating and performing an environmentally conscious play, students participate in costume creation, stage design and set up, and of course are the stars of the performance on Friday